क्या क्रेडिट कोपरेटिव सोसाइटियो द्वारा बहुत उच्ची दर से ब्याज देना व अपने ही सदस्यों की जमाओ पर दलालों को कमीशन देना उचित है ?
- नहीं / No (80%, 4 Votes)
- हां / Yes (20%, 1 Votes)
Total Voters: 5
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Narmada Water Dispute Tribunal
Dream of the Narmada Dam by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in 1946 – A False Declaration
Dream of the Narmada Dam by Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel in 1946 – A False Political Declaration We have tried to research and compile the history of Sarsar Sarovar Dam (New Name) with reference to dreams of India’s Iron Man Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and Vikas Puroosh Narendra Modi. Honorable PM Narendra Modi unveiled the Shilaalekh at SSD and dedicated ...Full Article