Direct Calls To Businessmen by Income Tax Officers
Deadline of Income Declaration Scheme, 2016 is falling on 30th September, 2016 and therefore, in this last week of September, 2016 under an unusual drive, attempts of direct calls, communication, invitation and persuasion are being made by Income Tax Officers to all possible declarants of Income Declaration Scheme, 2016.
In fact, this unpopular and impracticable scheme has been failed materially. Therefore, Finance Ministry and Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) are trying hard to make it success. After the wide range and heavy cost of advertisement, now Income Tax Officers are contacting personally one to one by calling all possible declarants in the Income Tax Office and trying to prepare them for declaration under IDS, 2016.
This high level direction for calling the assessees in the office of Income Tax Authorities may open the new doors of corruption for corrupt income Tax Authorities. Such official practice of calling the assessees in the Income Tax Office, was never seen ever before. This action of Income Tax Department is not being taken positively but it is also raising negative numbers of Modi Government. However, all such assessees should not be worried about this action but should participate with Income Tax Authorities without any fear.
In the month of September, 2016 highest search and survey actions were taken by Income Tax Department to terrorize the businessmen which also resulted the Scheme into failure. So far as tax liability / recovery is concerned, survey is quite cheaper than this IDS, 2016 and therefore, all possible tax evaders have been scored by Survey actions which also left materially nothing for IDS, 2016. In short, a wrong scheme resulted in to expected failure.
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